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Q: Where is my library account?

ANSWER: Your library account is located inside Primo, our library search system.

  1. Open Primo.
  2. Click Sign In in the top menu bar on the far right side. Your login and password are the same as your Portal account.
  3. Click on your name to open your account. Click my loans to see currently checked out items. Click requests to see items held at
Q: I’m getting a “not authorized” message when I log in?

Message reads “Sorry, your account is not authorized to view this link”

Answer: If you are seeing this message, your library account was deactivated/not activated. Sometimes this happens by accident, especially for new students or at the start of a new semester. If you are a member of the CUAA community and should have access (students must be official registered in a course), please contact Ask a Librarian and mention this message.

Q: Do you have this book/article/DVD ect. I need?

ANSWER: Finding specific items can sometimes be tricky. Here are some tips to help.
Remember, Primo doesn’t have a spell checker.

  1. Try searching the full Title in Primo. The item should appear on the first page of results.
    1. Sometimes the resource type in Primo is incorrect. Click the database Link and check the information there to be sure. For example, dissertations often come up as books.
  2. Still cannot find it? Ask a Librarian
Q: How do I print from a laptop?

ANSWER: All students are given a set number of pages to print for free around campus but you must print from a campus computer or through WebPrint.

  1. Upload documents into WebPrint, the campus wide online printing service. Find Webprint, and instructions, on the Resources Tab in Portal.
  2. Find the closest printer in the library, and login using the ID reader or your portal login on the touch screen.
  3. Click on the Job you want to release from your print Queue. Click Print.
  4. Log out of your print account.
Q: I clicked on a link in Primo, and it didn’t find my article.

A: If multiple links are available, try another link.

In other cases, sometimes Primo links to a journal website or other open-access resource online. Search for the article title in the website search box. 

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