Contact Information
Library address:
Zimmerman Library
4090 Geddes Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
PHONE: (734)-995-7454
Portal access at:
Distance students have access to services and resources available at Zimmerman Library, including on-campus items and services. This page provides information and instructions for all the options available. We encourage our #uncommon students to choose which options will best meet their individual needs and preferences.
Access all library services through the CUAA Portal under the Library tab.
Your Library Online Access
- You Library login is the same as your login for Blackboard and CUAA Portal.
- You will be prompted to login frequently to access electronic resources.
- Your library account will be created after you are first registered for classes.
- If you are a returning student, your account may be inactive. If you see an in-active account message, please follow the instructions provided. Most issues are fixed automatically with sufficient time.
Searching for Books and Articles
Primo is the primary search tool to locate books, articles, and other resources.
You can find a Primo search box on the library homepage, on the library tab of CUAA Portal, and under the CUWAA Library Resources tab at the top of Blackboard.
Limiting your Primo search to Electronic Materials
Concordia has access to over 100,000 electronic book titles and journal article from over 50,000 e-journals.
To limit your results to these options in Primo, on the left side of the search results, find the Availability filter and click on Full text Online.
Instructors may occasionally require you to search a specific database. CUAA has over 100 databases available for your use. You may see a complete list of them at Databases A-Z or selected option from Databases By Subject.
Please contact the library if you are having difficulty locating or accessing a specific database.
Accessing & Reading Electronic Journal Articles
- Sign-in to Primo using your Portal Login.
- When you click on the article title, Primo will open the item page. In this page, click any link under the View it section to open a database or website with the full-text or a PDF file of the article.
- For PDFs, many web browsers have built-in PDF viewers. Otherwise, students must install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open PDF files on their computer. There is also a mobile app available for Android and Apple Devices.
- Downloading or printing PDF articles can be time-intensive (may take a few minutes to load).
- In most cases, you must open a PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader before you can print it.
Availability of a Particular Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper
Use the Journal Search to see if CUAA has access to a particular periodical. If a journal is not available electronically, you can request a digital scan of an print article through Primo.
Getting Help from the Library
Finding and using information can be challenging sometimes, and library users have questions about making the most of online search tools. The library has Primo, individual databases, and books/e-books for scholarly and peer-reviewed material to utilize in your studies and specific assignments.
For answers to questions about the library or to request research help:
- Phone: call (734) 995-7454
- Email: Submit questions via the Web Form: Ask a Librarian
- Appointments: Request an appointment with a librarian for involved research help with Ask a Librarian
Library Delivery to Off-site Students
Concordia students who do not attend classes at the Ann Arbor, MI campus can have library materials shipped to them. Materials available in Concordia’s library will be shipped within 1-2 days of receiving your request (business days).
Materials not available at Concordia University can be requested via the Interlibrary Loan form. Physical items must be picked up and returned in person to the Concordia University campus.
You are responsible for mailing/returning all library materials back to Concordia University in Ann Arbor, MI.
Once You Identify a Book, DVD, or Article:
- Open Primo.
- Click Sign in on the top menu bar.
- A box will pop up. Click CUAA Portal and use your Portal/Blackboard Login. Your name will now appear on the top menu bar.
- Search for the item by title in Primo.
- Click the item title to open the item page.
- Under Get it, Click Request (full item)
- If the items you need are not available at CUAA Library, you can request digitized individual book chapters or single articles using the Interlibrary Loan form.
- Interlibrary loan service does not cover full books or DVDs for distance students.
To Check Your Current Loans and Requests:
- Open Primo.
- Sign in to your library account from the top menu bar.
- Click on your name on the top menu.
- My loans: A list of your CUAA checked out materials, due dates, and renewal options.
- My Requests: Check the progress of items requested by you from CUAA.
- My Library Card: see all account information, including current fines and messages.
Note: Interlibrary loan articles and book chapters do not appear under my requests. Notifications and digital scans will be sent to your CUAA email address.
Checkout Periods for Physical Items
Checkout Periods of materials for Students:
- Books: 21 days
- Media: 7 days
- Journals: Do not circulate (request article digital scans in Primo)
- Reference Books: Do not circulate
Loan periods on Interlibrary loan materials are at the discretion of the owning library. If you have any questions about due dates or about renewing items for an additional period of time, please check your library account or call (734) 995-7454 during regular library hours.
Renewing Materials
You can renew CUAA library items once, in your PRIMO library account, as long as items are not overdue and no one else has requested the item. Please contact the library at (734) 995-7454 if you have any questions or if you are unable to renew items in Primo.
Fees for Delivery/Overdue Items
When you request books or audiovisual materials, Concordia pays the cost of sending the materials to you and you are responsible for the cost to return items to Concordia. The library will notify you of any fees and/or fines for overdue books.
Overdue Books & Videos
If you need items beyond the due date, please contact the library regarding renewing for additional time. If items are not renewed and are not returned by the due date, you may be charged an overdue fine.
Students are financially responsible for all materials checked out to their accounts until they are returned to Concordia’s library.
Research Guides & Tutorials
This page is part of the CUAA Research Guides, which is a website with instructions and help for students and faculty. Use the top menu of this page to find help and resources.
Journal Article Requests
Most journal articles will be available online via links or PDFs on the article page. Some journals will be in print or microfilm at a Concordia. You must request an article scan on the journal page in Primo under the Get it box. Any library staff can help with this process via phone.

A copy of the article will be scanned and emailed to you as an attached PDF within 1-2 business days.
If Concordia doe not have the journal online, in print, or in microfilm, fill out the Interlibrary Loan form. Put as much information as possible in the item box including the article title, author/s, journal title, year, volume, and page numbers, if available.
You can request more than one item, and different types of items, on the same form.