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Evidence-Based Research Databases
CINAHL Complete
Nursing and Allied Health research journals, books, conference proceedings, and evidence-based care sheets.
The Cochrane Library
Contains three databases. The Database of Systematic Reviews contains full-text articles, as well as protocols focusing on the effects of healthcare. Data is evidence-based medicine and is often combined statistically (with meta-analysis) to increase the power of the findings of numerous studies. The
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials is a bibliography of controlled trials to create an unbiased source of data for systematic reviews. Cochrane Clinical Answers contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to ‘drill down’ to the evidence from relevant Cochrane reviews.
DynaMed Plus
clinical reference tool which provides fast, easy access to the latest filtered evidence-based information. Clinically-organized summaries for thousands of topics
MEDLINE Complete
Pubmed companion of biomedical and health journals. Topics: biomedicine, pre-clinical sciences, behavioral sciences, bioengineering, health policy development, nursing, and life sciences. Content includes full-text journals and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) for current biomedical journals.
FREE access to over 11 million MEDLINE® citations. Mid-1960’s-present.
Research Articles (Not Filtered)
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
Mental Health Medicine
Nursing & Allied Health Database
Reliable healthcare information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and much more. Full-text titles plus dissertations in nursing and related fields. Training videos from Medcom, Inc on health care safety, emergency planning, checking vital signs, and many more. Multicultural reports from CultureVision are available for 30 ethnicities and 11 religions for the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
SPORTDiscus with Full Text (4 users at a time)
Covers sports, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine,
sports science, physical education, kinesiology, college &
university sport, disabled persons, health, health education,
biomechanics, movement science, injury prevention rehabilitation, physical therapy, allied health, occupational health & therapy, public health, and more.
A comprehensive resource that provides instant access to leading medical textbooks, interactive self-assessment tests, and case files that facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care.
Database Tutorials
Search for books & ebooks in Primo.
For General instructions: Finding Books
Browse Books on the Shelf
RJ 52-53 Pediatric Therapeutics
RM 735 Occupational Therapy
RM930-931 Rehabilitation therapy
Reference Books
Merck Manual Professional Edition | Website |
Human Anatomy Online | Website |
NLM’s MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia | Website |
- Add the following row of keywords to your search: (methods AND results) OR methodology OR “case study” OR “this study” OR “a study”. You will want to copy and paste this entire row of keywords into its own search box (see first example below).

- Filter by Document Type: on the Advanced Search page choose Case Study or Research under Document Type or Publication Type. In ProQuest databases, it looks like this:

- In Ebscohost databases, you can choose “Research” under Publication Type.
- Add the following row of keywords to your search: (methods AND results) OR methodology OR “case study” OR “this study” OR “a study”. You will want to copy and paste this entire row of keywords into its own search box (see first example below).

- Filter by Document Type: on the Advanced Search page choose Case Study or Research under Document Type or Publication Type. In ProQuest databases, it looks like this:

- In Ebscohost databases, you can choose “Research” under Publication Type.
- Add the following row of keywords to your search: (methods AND results) OR methodology OR “case study” OR “this study” OR “a study”. You will want to copy and paste this entire row of keywords into its own search box (see first example below).

- Filter by Document Type: on the Advanced Search page choose Case Study or Research under Document Type or Publication Type. In ProQuest databases, it looks like this:

- In Ebscohost databases, you can choose “Research” under Publication Type.
- Add the following row of keywords to your search: (methods AND results) OR methodology OR “case study” OR “this study” OR “a study”. You will want to copy and paste this entire row of keywords into its own search box (see first example below).

- Filter by Document Type: on the Advanced Search page choose Case Study or Research under Document Type or Publication Type. In ProQuest databases, it looks like this:

- In Ebscohost databases, you can choose “Research” under Publication Type.
Journal Titles
Professional Organizations
- US health and medicine data
- National Center for Health Statistics- Fast Stats Alphabetical list of stats on public health issues
- National Center for Health Statistics- Health annual report Datafinder tool and free infographics
- State Health Facts (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation)
- World Health Organization Data Repository: Health-related statistics from over 100 countries
Background Information
- Physiopedia
Online Encyclopedia of Physiotherapy - MayoClinic
Overviews of medical conditions and treatments - U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (CDC)
Find the prevalence of medical conditions in the United States
Research Search Tools
Working on a literature review? Try one of these online tools to find additional research studies and grey literature. Search for the article title in Primo to find to full-text.
- OTSeeker
- Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
- Epistemonikos
- HSRProj (Health Services Research Projects in Progress) (NIH)
- PLoS Medicine
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
PICO Search Tools
- PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database):
free database of over 19,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. - Trip Database – Clinical Search Engine Clinical search tool designed to allow health professionals to rapidly identify the highest quality clinical evidence for clinical practice. Registered users (registration is free) benefit from extra features such as CPD, search history, and collaborative tools.
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