Undergraduate Student Gateway
Ready to Help
As an undergraduate student, you will develop your academic skills while preparing for graduate studies or a vocation. Whatever your area of study, the library is here to help. This page summarizes the popular resources and services for undergraduate studies.
5 things every student should know
Connect to e-resources
Set up your devices to seamlessly connect to thousands of e-resources like ebooks, electronic journals, and databases from any location.
Search tools
The library has many search tools with different resources. Discover which tool to use to access credible and scholarly sources on-campus and online. Go to Databases by Subject.
Common mistakes in Primo
Primo, the library’s search tool, has important differences from search engines like Google. This video will save you time.
Resources for programs or courses
For specific assignments, our guides include instructions created by a librarian familiar with your course.
Distance and online students
If you take classes online, there are special services to help you access on-campus resources remotely.
4 skills every student should have

Search Skills
Learn to effectively search for and evaluate sources on a topic.

Scholarly vs Credible Sources
Learn to identify sources to meet assignment requirements.

Strategic Reading
Learn to efficiently read research and scholarly writing.

Positionality & Research
Learn how your personal identity and experiences influence your research.
Time Management Tools
The best way to prevent plagiarism is stay organized and give yourself plenty of time to complete assignments.

Paper Planner
Break down your assignment into parts with manageable deadlines and track your progress.

Zotero Citation Manager
Keep all your sources and notes in one place and easily create citations and bibliographies.
Avoid Plagiarism
- The Source Sandwich Learn a simple model for using evidence in papers, discussion posts, speeches, and presentations.
- Learn to Paraphrase See correct and incorrect versions in MLA style, APA style, and AMA style.
- Test Your Understanding Take a quiz about citing and paraphrasing.
- Learn to Proofread See a list of steps and the most common grammar errors

Need help with the library?
Use this form to email your question to a Concordia librarian or request a research consultation.
Need help with writing?
The writing center can help with all things writing and editing.
Need help with technology?
The IT Help desk can help with questions about Microsoft Office or computer issues.
Blackboard Support can help with broken course links or online course materials.