Help Available: Email your librarian with Ask a Librarian, call 734-995-7454, or stop by the reference desk on-campus.
Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost) Comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with full-text periodicals, including peer-reviewed journals. Indexing and abstracts for journals monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
ProQuest Central Coverage of over 160 subject areas, including business and economics, health and medical, education, news and world affairs, and more.
Education Specific
ERIC (Ebsco)
Federal Government Sponsored Education Database. Journal articles, government reports, and more. Filter by education or grade level.
Education Database (ProQuest)
Coverage spans the literature on primary, secondary, and higher education as well as special education, homeschooling, and adult education.
Education Source (Ebsco)
Scholarly research and information covering all levels of education and all educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.
Instruction Materials
Fiction and Non-fiction content for students with assigned reading levels
eBook High School Collection
eBook K-8 Collection
Explora for High Schools (Primary sources, reference books, biographies and magazines for students)
Explora for Middle School
Explora for Primary Schools
NoveList K-8 Plus (book recommendations and reading guides)
NoveList Plus
World Book Kids (K-5 Hundreds of activities, science projects and experiments)
Other Databases
Career & Technical Education Database (ProQuest)
Vocational information and career research resources
Michigan eLibrary: provides all Michigan residents with free access to online full-text articles, full-text books, digital images, and other valuable research information
Database Tutorials
Search for books and ebooks in Primo.
For General instructions: Finding Books
Library of Congress Call Numbers
LB Theory & Practice (Teaching & Administration)
LC Special aspects (Subjects, School types, types of students)
Reference Books
Encyclopedia of Law & Higher Education | REF KF 4225 .A68 E53 2010 |
Special Education Law | Reserves KF 4210 .R68 2014 |
Harper’s Encyclopedia of Religious Education | REF BV 1461 .H37 |
Looking for some suggestions for learning activities and lesson plans? Many museums, book publishers, and non-profits offer free materials for teachers on their websites.
- The Learning Network (New York Times)
- History Lesson Plans & Class Materials (Library of Congress)
- Michigan History (Historical Society of Michigan)
- Language Arts Lessons & Ideas (Scholastic)
- LitCharts (Book guides, poetry guides, Shakespeare)
- National Center for Case Studies Teaching Science (grade 6 & up)
- Science Teaching Resources from NAST (K-12)
- Read Write Think (K-12 Lesson plans, learning objectives, Apps, videos)
- (vocabulary lists for books & current events)
Education Trade Magazines: magazine written by teachers and administrators for teachers and administrators.
They are a great way to obtain advice and classroom-tested ideas. Magazines usually target a specific subject or grade focus (early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary teachers).
At CUAA Library, they are available in Print & in Education Databases.
Proquest Databases
In Advanced Search, choose the Source type:
Ebsohost Databases
In Advanced Search, choose the Publication type:
Specific Titles
Some of these titles will have more issues available in print, so check Primo as well.
- American Biology Teacher
- American Music Teacher
- Art Education
- Arts & Activities (Art Education)
- Choices (Teen Health)
- Diverse Issues in Higher Education
- Education Update (School Administration)
- Education Week
- Educational Leadership
- Exchange (Early Childhood Edu)
- Geography Teacher
- Green Teacher (Environmental Edu)
- Instrumentalist (Band Directors)(Print only)
- Mathematics Teaching in Middle School
- New Teacher Advocate
- NAEA News (Print only)
- NSTA Reports (Science)
- Principal
- The Reading Teacher
- School Arts
- Scholastic Teacher
- Science & Children (K-5)
- Science Scope (6-8)
- Social Studies and the Young Learner (Print only)
- Teaching Children Mathematics (K-6)
- Teaching Pre-k-8
- YC-Young Children (Early Childhood Edu)
You can search for journal articles in Primo and library databases (see databases tab).
Finding Journal Articles: detailed instructions for finding and accessing electronic and print journal articles.
Finding Journal Articles By Journal Title in Primo
- Open E-Journals Search
- Search for the Journal’s Title.
- Click on the Journal title in the search results.
- Search inside the journal for keywords on the journal page.
Use these search techniques to locate Primary Research inside databases.
- Add the following row of keywords to your search: (methods AND results) OR methodology OR “case study” OR “this study” OR “a study”. You will want to copy and paste this entire row of keywords into its own search box.
Important! From your list of results, you will still need to examine each article to see if it is primary research.
- Filter by Document Type: on the Advanced Search page choose Case Study under Document Type or Publication Type. In ProQuest Education Journals, it looks like this:
All of these results are generally primary research articles, but not all primary research is a case study, so you will likely be missing some primary research articles on your topic by searching this way.
- In ERIC database, you can choose “Reports – All” and/or “Reports – Research” under Publication Type.
Many subject specialties and states have their own professional organizations.
- Association of American Educators (AAE)
- Lutheran Education Association (LEA)
- National Association for Music Education (NAFME)
- National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
- National Business Education Association (NBEA)
- National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
- National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
- National Educators Association (NEA)
- Michigan Education Association (MEA)
Data & Policy
- Americans with Disabilities Act
Current law text with revisions - Cornell Legal Dictionary Education Page
legal history and federal and state cases - Safe Supportive Learning
School discipline laws organized by state - Education Commission of the States (ECS) Michigan Guide
Michigan education laws & policies organized by topic (1996 – 2016)
Video Tutorials
Click on the video and the CC icon for captions.
Note: At CUAA, use the E-journals search on the Primo menu bar to locate online journals.